SNOQUALMIE PASS, Wash. — All lanes are back open on I-90 through Snoqualmie Pass after multiple crashes shut the highway down for hours on Thursday evening.
The Washington Department of Transportation says cars and semi-trucks slid on the icy roadways, causing miles-long backups in both directions.
Drivers told KIRO 7 they spent up to three hours waiting in the traffic.
“It’s a sheet of ice up there. The cars are just sliding. I could barely, even at just one mile an hour sliding down the road. So it’s pretty gnarly,” said Teagan.
Teagan and his friends, Sully and Stone, were headed back from a day of snowboarding at the Snoqualmie Summit when they saw the crash.
“I was in it for probably 20 minutes. I had seen a couple semis kind of sliding down the hill and it was just jackknifing competition, man there was four to five semis all jackknifed, countless cars, pretty brutal,” Stone said.
WSDOT is reminding people to take it slow and expect snow in the passes through April.
For the most up-to-date information, visit:
Snoqualmie: Snowing hard - Snow & slush on roadway
— WSDOT Passes (@wsdot_passes) March 14, 2025
I-90 over Snoqualmie Pass is closed Westbound due to multiple collisions & blocking vehicles. Westbound traffic is stopped MP 70 near Easton & MP 106 near Ellensburg.
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