
Lynnwood councilmember withdraws from appointment after social media posts resurface

LYNNWOOD, Wash. — A Lynnwood councilmember has withdrawn from her appointment after some of her social media posts came to light.

In a statement released to KIRO 7, Jessica Roberts said, that

Roberts was unanimously appointed to a council position on Monday, but about less than an hour after her appointment, councilmembers were made aware of potentially concerning social media posts.

City Council was made aware of Reddit, TikTok and OnlyFans accounts allegedly belonging to Roberts that discussed graphic sexual fantasies. It appears that some of the posts are from a few years ago.

Council President Nick Coelho acknowledged that Roberts has not done anything illegal, but said having that information beforehand may have impacted some councilmembers’ votes.

On the appointment process and this latest information, Coelho said:

“The process has gotten a little wacky, and that’s just what happens in these processes. It’s a little ugly, it’s not perfect... but it’s moving as it’s supposed to. I want people to know that as part of a fair process, we don’t go through social media and troll through what any applicants have to say.”

KIRO 7 is checking with the Lynnwood City Council to determine if a special board meeting scheduled for Thursday night will move forward.

Roberts was appointed to the Lynnwood City Council on March 10 to fill the vacancy left by Dr. Julieta Altamirano-Crosby after her appointment to the Snohomish County PUD Commission.

Coelho said it has been a long process to find someone to fill the spot. Their first pick withdrew an hour before taking oath, causing a scramble to find someone new again.